

Research on the Transformation of Biological Breeding Based on Social Technology System
摘要 生物育种高质量发展是提升我国农业竞争力的战略重点,在提高农作物产量、品质和抗性方面起到积极作用。研究发现,生物育种的发展并非只依赖于育种技术进步,而是在经济、政策、伦理、可持续发展等多社会因素的共同作用下完成。基于此,本文引入社会技术系统理论,通过多层次视角模型剖析宏观、中观和微观层面的生物育种社会-技术情境,探究从传统育种到生物育种转型过程中的相关社会技术系统因素,旨在为生物育种从业者提供技术与社会协同演化的发展思路。 The high quality development of biological breeding is the strategic focus of promoting agricultural competitiveness in China,and plays a positive role in improving crop yield,quality and resistance.It is found that the development of biological breeding is not only dependent on the progress of breeding technology,but is completed under the joint action of many social factors such as economy,policy,ethics and sustainable development.Based on this,this paper introduces the socio-technical system theory,analyzes the macro-level,meso-level and micro-level socio-technical situation of biological breeding through a multi-level perspective model,and explores the relevant socio-technical system factors in the transition process from traditional breeding to biological breeding,aiming to provide the development ideas of technology and society co-evolution for biological breeding practitioners.
作者 于晨曦 雷鸿竹 谢佳 YU Chenxi;LEI Hongzhu;XIE Jia(Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Study,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Shenzhen,Guangdong 518110;Shenzhen Longhua Party School Shenzhen,Guangdong 518109;Shenzhen Nanshan Longyuan School Shenzhen,Guangdong 518073)
出处 《现代农业研究》 2024年第12期49-54,共6页 Modern Agriculture Research
基金 2024年度深圳市党校系统课题“城市更新中的深圳历史文化保护——基于社会-技术系统多层次理论视角下的观澜古墟非遗传承研究”(项目编号:2024SZDXXT048) 2024年度国家资助博士后研究人员计划“我国数字政府建设中的算法回避研究:影响因素与规制路径”(项目编号:GZC20240202)。
关键词 生物育种 传统育种 社会技术系统 多层次视角 biological breeding traditional breeding social technology system multi-level perspective
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