

Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of a Variable-rod-length 3T Parallel Robot
摘要 针对并联机器人关节参数对动力学性能研究的不足,结合现阶段已提出的一种新型的含变杆长平行四边形三平动并联机器人,通过运动学分析得到机器人各杆件质心的位置、速度方程,并利用第二类拉格朗日方程构建机器人的动力学模型,得到了系统广义力与广义变量之间的关系。通过数值计算进行了机器人动力学的算例仿真,研究了机器人在给定运动规律下主动关节质心相对位置与系统驱动力矩之间的关系,得出了主动关节质心相对位置为l1=l2=l3=0.11 m时,驱动力矩变化的幅值最小。为后续机器人的结构优化和控制系统提供理论依据。 In view of the lack of research on the dynamic performance of the joint parameters of the parallel robot,the position and velocity equations of the center of mass of the robot rods are obtained by kinematic analysis,combined with a new parallelogram three-translational parallel robot with variable rod length.The second Lagrange equation is used to construct the dynamics model of the robot,and the relation between the generalized force and the generalized variable is obtained.The relation between the relative position of the center of mass of the active joint and the driving torque of the system is studied by numerical simulation of the robot dynamics.It is found that when the relative position of the center of mass of the active joint is l1=l2=l3=0.11m,and the amplitude of the change of the driving torque is the smallest.It provides a theoretical basis for the structure optimization and control system of subsequent robots.
作者 饶光华 黄永东 刘国辉 卢全国 祝志芳 王红州 邹晓辉 占晓煌 RAO Guanghua;HUANG Yongdong;LIU Guohui;LU Quanguo;ZHU Zhifang;WANG Hongzhou;ZOU Xiaohui;ZHAN Xiaohuang(State Power Investment Corporation Jiangxi Zhong Xing Power Industrial Co.,Ltd,Nanchang 330096,China;School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China;Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of Precision Drive and Control,Nanchang Institute of Technology,Nanchang 330099,China;Jiangxi Province Institute of Mechanical Science,Nanchang 330002,China)
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期70-74,共5页 Machine Design And Research
基金 江西省科技厅重大科技研发专项(20233AAE02003) 江西省教育厅科技资助项目(GJJ214702)。
关键词 变杆长 并联机器人 LAGRANGE方程 动力学 variable-rod-length parallel robot Lagrange equation dynamics
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