

Research on the Application of Copyright Exhaustion Principle in Digital Libraries
摘要 文章阐释版权穷竭原则的内涵,梳理网络环境和数字图书馆版权穷竭原则适用研究现状,基于国内外网络环境下版权穷竭原则适用的司法与立法实践,分析包含立法路径、理论路径、解释路径、借鉴路径和技术路径的数字版权穷竭原则适用方案,结合我国立法实际,指出可分两步解决公益性数字图书馆和营利性数字图书馆版权穷竭原则适用问题,建议在相关立法中增设对公益性数字图书馆适用版权穷竭原则的专门条款,或将公益性数字图书馆的数字资源借阅行为视为合理使用,进而回避数字版权穷竭原则适用问题,或将其作为立法下的一种版权例外。 The article elaborates on the connotation of copyright exhaustion principle,sorts out the research status of application of copyright exhaustion principle in digital libraries under the network environment,analyzes the judicial and legislative practices of the application of the copyright exhaustion principle in digital libraries under the network environment at home and abroad,and analyzes the application plans of the digital copyright exhaustion principle,including legislative path,theoretical path,explanatory path,reference path and technical path.Combining with the actual legislative situation in China,it points out that the application of the copyright exhaustion principle in public welfare digital libraries and for-profit digital libraries can be solved in two steps.It is suggested to add special provisions for the application of the copyright exhaustion principle in public welfare digital libraries in relevant legislation,or to regard the borrowing behavior of digital resources in public welfare digital libraries as a reasonable use,thereby avoiding the application of the principle,or use it as a copyright exception under legislation.
作者 李强 Li Qiang
机构地区 武汉大学图书馆
出处 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期32-40,共9页 Library Work and Study
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“网络化开放创新范式下企业知识产权市场化保护与价值转化法律机制研究”(项目编号:21&ZD141) 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“大数据时代数据抓取行为的法律分析”(项目编号:22FFXB051)研究成果之一。
关键词 数字图书馆 公共图书馆 版权穷竭 合理使用 公共图书馆法 Digital library Public library Copyright exhaustion Reasonable use Public library law
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