

Study of Public Security Standards System for International Business of Petroleum Enterprises
摘要 国际业务公共安全标准化在促进国际业务公共安全管理规范化、降低境外公共安全风险、保障境外人员和财产安全中发挥了重要作用。公共安全标准体系将公共安全标准按其内在联系构成科学的有机整体,在一定范围内为标准的制修订计划和规划提供依据,促进标准的协调统一,为管理体系的建设和运行提供基本的技术要求、一致的管理要求和规范的工作要求。文章阐述了我国石油企业“走出去”在建设全流程、标准化、科学化的境外公共安全管理模式、工作机制和技术能力的过程中,建立与国际业务发展形势和实际需求相适应的公共安全标准体系的必要性和意义,提出构建国际业务公共安全标准体系遵循“两个结合,需求导向”的思路和“现状梳理—需求调研—分类筛选—体系构建”步骤,并结合标准化现状提出在应急决策指挥、处置救援、现场管控、危机管理、恢复重建等领域加强规划和顶层设计,持续提升企业公共安全标准化管理水平。 Public security standardization of international business plays an important role in promoting standardized management of international business social security,reducing the overseas social security risks,and ensuring the safety of overseas personnel and properties.The public security standard system puts the public security standards together as a whole scientific and organic body according to their internal connections.It provides the basis for the plans to make formulation and revision of standards within a certain scope.It not only promotes coordination and unification of the standards but also offers the basic technological requirements,consistent management requirements and specific work requirements for construction and operation of the management system.This article elaborates that it is necessary and significant for the Chinese petroleum enterprises to construct the public security standard system in matching with their international business development and demands when they establish the full-process,standardized and scientific overseas public security management model for implementation of their“go world”strategy.The article also comes up with the“two combinations and one demand guide”mindset needed for construction of the public security standard system for international business.The steps are based on“clarification of the present conditions-investigation of the demands-categorization and selection-construction of the system”.In the light of the current standardization conditions,it is necessary to enhance planning and top-level design in the areas of making decisions and commanding in emergency cases,rescuing and relief-delivering,on-the-field control,crisis management,restoration and re-construction in order to improve the management level of public security standardization for the enterprises.
作者 辛琦 袁波 张敏 曾铮 张啸 张永娟 Xin Qi;Yuan Bo;Zhang Min;Zeng Zheng;Zhang Xiao;Zhang Yongjuan(CNPC Research Institute of Safety&Environment Technology,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《石油科技论坛》 2024年第5期60-65,共6页 PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM
基金 中国石油天然气集团有限公司技术支持服务项目“2024年国际业务社会安全和员工健康管理”(编号:2024-N/G-42481)。
关键词 石油企业 国际业务 公共安全 标准体系 petroleum enterprises international business public security the standard system
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