
同步动作对社会联结的影响: 集体欢腾的中介作用和团队规模的调节作用

The influence of synchronized movement on social bonding:The intermediary role of collective effervescence and the moderating role of group size
摘要 作为集体仪式的核心要素和社会生活的组成部分,同步动作对社会联结的影响及其作用机制尚不明确。基于情绪理论和涂尔干的观点,本文提出同步动作能够促进社会联结,集体欢腾是同步动作促进社会联结的中介机制,并且这种机制的作用与群体规模有关。3个实验均采用无声迪斯科范式考察同步动作、集体欢腾和团队规模对社会联结的影响。实验1表明,同步动作(vs.无动作)的社会联结效应更强,集体欢腾起到中介作用。实验2、3分别在高中生及建筑员工中开展。结果表明,同步动作增强了社会联结,且在大团队规模中的集体欢腾更高,进而产生更强的社会联结。本文揭示了同步动作通过集体欢腾机制来促进和维持大规模陌生群体之间的社会联结,对群体生存和社会发展具有重要意义。 Throughout human evolution,human beings have faced the challenge of establishing and maintaining social bonds in their gradually expanding groups.However,little is known about the mechanisms of maintaining social bonds in large social groups.Therefore,we must find effective ways to establish social intimacy simultaneously with several people and not just through one-on-one interactions.Synchronized movements are crucial for large-scale social groups to maintain social relations and are of great significance to group survival and social development.Despite being the core element of collective rituals and an integral part of social life,the influence and mechanisms of synchronized movement on social bonding remain unclear.Our study draws on the affective theory and Durkheim’s viewpoint to propose that synchronized movement can promote social bonding,with collective effervescence as the intermediary mechanism and group size playing a regulatory role.We conducted three experiments to test our hypotheses by using the silent disco paradigm to manipulate synchronized movements.In Experiment 1,64 participants each were randomly assigned to a synchronized movement group and a no-movement group.Four participants in each group performed synchronized movement tasks as a team,after which the participants filled in data for the synchronization validity operation test,interpersonal familiarity test,social bonding scale,and collective effervescence scale.In Experiment 2,128 senior high school students were randomly assigned to one of the four conditions(4-person small team×synchronized movement,4-person small team×no movement,16-person large team×synchronized movement,and 16-person large team×no movement).After completing the synchronized movement task test,the participants completed the synchronization validity operation test,interpersonal familiarity test,social bonding scale,and collective effervescence scale.Experiment 3 was based on the design of Experiment 2 but included adult participants to improve the external validity of the conclusions.The participants in Experiment 3 were selected from two newly established project departments in a construction enterprise’s branch in Guizhou Province.Participants in each team were randomly selected from different departments of the two project departments to reduce the familiarity of participants within a team.The key findings were as follows.(1)Synchronized movement can promote social bonding.Compared with the non-movement group,the synchronized movement group observed a stronger social bonding effect.In addition,collective effervescence played an intermediary role in the relationship between synchronized movement and social bonding.(2)The interaction between synchronized movement and group size had a significant impact on social bonding.Compared with the small group,the social bonding effect of synchronized movement on the large group was stronger.Collective effervescence in the large group was higher,which further produced stronger social bonding.(3)Group size had a moderating effect on the prediction of social bonding through collective effervescence.The results of Experiment 3 supported the conclusions of this study and enhanced the robustness of the results.Our findings contribute to the literature in several ways.First,this study used the silent disco paradigm to manipulate synchronized movement,which proves for the first time that synchronized movement can promote social bonding even outside a music background.This also distinguishes the common influence of music and synchronized movement on social bonding as identified in previous studies.Second,this study enriches the existing literature on the collective effervescence effect of large-scale group synchronization and verifies the hive hypothesis and related viewpoints proposed by previous researchers.Third,this study confirms the collective effervescence effect of synchronized movements in social life and provides the emotional mechanism of the social bonding effect of synchronized movements.
作者 薛秋 尹可丽 XUE Qiu;YIN Keli(Department of Social Psychology,School of Sociology,Nankai University,Tianjin 300350,China;Faculty of Education,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期1821-1835,共15页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
关键词 同步动作 集体欢腾 团队规模 社会联结 synchronized movement collective effervescence group size social bonding
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