

Current Status and Research Progress of"Two-Way Referral Pathway"in Rehabilitation Medical Services Based on the Tired Diagnosis and Treatment System
摘要 分级诊疗作为我国卫生健康领域的核心政策,被视为改善医疗资源分配不均,合理优化资源配置的重要举措。在分级诊疗运行过程中,根据患者病情和健康需求实施的双向转诊是促进分级诊疗政策落地的关键一环,也是临床实际运行中的重点和难点。本文聚焦康复医疗服务领域,结合我国分级诊疗背景,对分级诊疗制度的概念与内涵,双向转诊的指导思想、服务模式、转诊标准、影响因素,以及国外双向转诊的路径和标准进行了总结和梳理,旨在为康复医疗服务双向转诊的实施和研究提供参考。 The tired diagnosis and treatment system(TDTS),as a core medical healthcare policy in China,is regarded as an important approach to improving the uneven distribution of medical resources and optimizing the resources allocation reasonably.The implementation of two-way referral based on the patient's condition and health needs is a key link in promoting the implementation of TDTS,and is also a key and difficult point in clinical practice.This article focuses on the field of rehabilitation medical services,combining the background of China's tiered diagnosis and treatment system,to identify and summarize the concept,guiding ideas,service models,referral standards,influencing factors of two-way referral in China,as well as the pathways and standards of two-way referral abroad.It aims to provide a reference for the implementation and research of two-way referral in rehabilitation medical services.
作者 高焱 叶睿雪 赵敬璞 周新悦 薛凯文 王昱棋 王玉龙 GAO Yan;YE Ruixue;ZHAO Jingpu;ZHOU Xinyue;XUE Kaiwen;WANG Yuqi;WANG Yulong(The Shenzhen Second People's Hospital(The First Affiliated Hospital of Shenzhen University),Shenzhen,Guangdong 518025,China)
出处 《康复学报》 CSCD 2024年第5期516-522,共7页 Rehabilitation Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(82205065) 深圳市“医疗卫生三名工程”项目资助(SZSM20211010) 广东省高水平医院建设项目深圳市第二人民医院院级临床研究项目(20213357006)。
关键词 分级诊疗 康复 医疗服务 双向转诊 tired diagnosis and treatment system rehabilitation medical services two-way referral pathway
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