目前 ,江苏省中学体育教师的年龄和职称结构基本合理 ,但女教师比例较小 ,学历层次偏低。中学体育课教学情况基本正常 ,但课外体育活动时间不足 ,导致学生每天进行体育锻炼的时间不到 1小时 ,体育场地器材缺乏。江苏省中学的体育教学仍没有摆脱应试教育的模式 ,体育教师对体育教学的目标还停留在传授“运动技能”上 ,体育教师中有一定比例的教师师德素质较差。对江苏省中学体育教学的改革和中学体育教师的继续教育已势在必行。
Currently the age and job title are almost perfect for PE teachers of the Middle Schools in Jiangsu province, but female teachers not only cover a little area,among all teachers, and also their educational level is much lower. The students can get normal PE class, for the lack of playground and instruments. The students can't get more exercise in their spare time, and the exercise time is less than 1 hour. the main purpose of PE still focus on teaching students the movement stills and demanding them to pass examination, furthermore, portions of PE teachers need improve their attitude toward the students. So it is necessary to reform the educational system and to fatherly educate the PE teachers.
Sports & Science