
超星泛雅在实验课程教学中的应用探索 被引量:2

The Exploration of the Role of Fanya Platform in the Teaching of Experimental Courses
摘要 本文从互联网教育背景下的高校人才分类培养出发,论述了应用型大学引入超星泛雅平台后实验课程教学发生的深刻变化,提出了泛雅平台在课前预习、平时考核、考前复习、期末考核、学习行为统计、与科研业务互进等方面的具体作用。通过分析发现,泛雅平台可以很好的辅助学生学习,尤其是可以大幅度提升课前预习质量、帮助学生高标准完成实验内容,便于教师立体无缝隙考核学生,便于教师统计学生学习行为进而为教学改革提供依据,还可在灵活的师生互动过程中促进教师科研业务的开展。泛雅平台的推广与改进必将促使应用型大学实验课程教学质量实现跨越式提升。 From the point of classified cultivation of college students under the internet education background, the profound changes have been described when Fanya platform are introduced by application-oriented universities. Exactly, we analyze the effects of Fanya on the preparation for the lessons, routine assessments,review for the exams, final assessments, learning behaviors and the mutual promotion with scientific research. From the discussion, we see Fanya can help students study efficiently. Especially, it can assist the students to prepare the lessons very well and complete the experiments with high quality. It can also help the teachers examine the students comprehensively and investigate the students’ learning behaviors which can be used as basis for the teaching reforms. Moreover, the teachers’ research work can be promoted spontaneously due to the flexible interactive between students and teachers through Fanya online platform. With the dissemination and evolution of Fanya, the teaching quality of experimental courses can be greatly improved.
作者 崔占奎 Cui Zhankui(College of Advanced Materials and Energy of Xuchang University,Xuchang 461000,China)
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2019年第3期233-234,共2页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
基金 许昌学院2017年校级教育教学改革研究项目(No.2017112)
关键词 互联网教育 超星泛雅 应用型大学 实验课程 Internet education Chaoxing Fanya application-oriented universities experimental courses
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