
微波与索氏提取甘草酸的正交实验研究 被引量:28

Orthogonal experiment of the extraction of glycyrrhizic acid with micro wave and Soxhlet's extractor
摘要 目的 研究不同方法提取甘草酸的最佳工艺。方法 采用正交实验 ,考察甘草粒度、提取剂用量、提取时间等 3个因素 ,以甘草酸粗品收率为指标 ,比较微波提取与传统索氏提取方法对甘草酸的提取效果。结果 索氏提取优化工艺条件为A3B3C1 ,微波提取最佳条件为C1 B3A1 。微波辐照 8min的提取效果与索氏提取 3h效果相当 ,提取速率是索氏的 1 0~ 2 0倍。结论 微波提取的时间短、提取速率高、温度低。 OBJECITIVE: To study the optimal process of the extraction of glycyrrhizic acid with microwave and soxhlet's extractor. METHODS: The extraction of glycyrrhizic acid with microwave and soxhlet's extractor was compared basing on the yield of extracts (rude glycyrrhizic acid). Orthogonal experiment was carried out to investigate 3 influencial factors such as granularity of glycyrrhizic acid, amount of extractant, extraction time. RESULTS: The optimal conditions for the extraction with soxhlet's extractor were A3B3C1 and C1B3A1 for that of microwave. The extracting effect of microwave for 8min was equal to that of soxhlet's extraction for 3 h. But the extracting rate was 10-20 times that of soxhlet's extraction. CONCLUSION: The microwave extraction took shorter time, less energy and lower operation temperature. The velocity of extraction was high, so that it appeared to be a good method with high efficiency and quality, suitably used to extract the Chinese medicine.
出处 《中国药学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第12期919-922,共4页 Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 天津市自然科学基金资助项目 ( 0 2 36 13311)
关键词 甘草酸 微波 索氏提取器 提取 正交实验 Drug products Extraction Microwave devices
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