目的 : 研究抽动 秽语综合征患者的外显记忆与内隐记忆特点。方法 : 采用配对病例对照研究设计 ,选取确诊的抽动 秽语综合征患者及匹配健康对照各 2 6例 ,用加工、分离程序的方法测定其意识性提取及自动提取在再认测验中的贡献。结果 :与健康对照组相比 ,抽动 秽语综合征患者的外显记忆显著低于对照组 ,内隐记忆差异无显著性。按年龄分层比较后 ,病例组 7~ 8岁年龄段的外显记忆与同年龄对照组相比差异有显著性 ,其他年龄段差异无显著性。 结论 :抽动 秽语综合征患者的外显记忆受损而内隐记忆正常 。
Objective:To explore the features of the explicit memory and the implicit memory of Tourette syndrome using process dissociation procedure. Method:A matched case control study based on 26 diagnosed Tourette's syndrome patients and the matched healthy children was carried out.We got the recollection and the automaticity in the recognition test by prosess dissocistion procedure. Results:Compared with the control group,the explicit memory of the patients decreased significatly while the implicit memory didn't.Compared with the control group according to different age levels,the explicit memory of the 7~8 years old patients decreased significantly,the explicit memory of the other patients didn't.The implicit memory of all patients didn't decreased significantly. Conclusion:The explicit memory of Tourette's syndrome was impaired,the implicit memory was normal.Explicit memory and implicit memory are two independent memory systems.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry