

The Technique of Poisoning Rodents in All Habitats and Rodenticide Compounds Used in Henghu
摘要 目的 :应用全栖息地毒鼠法和复方灭鼠剂 ,使国营恒湖垦殖场的鼠密度降至不足为害水平。方法 :全栖息地毒鼠法。结果 :经过春季的大面积灭鼠 ,总体鼠密度由 3 2 .0 4%降为 0 .3 5 % ,灭效达 98.91%。结论 :此次灭鼠活动 ,使群众对慢性和急性灭鼠剂有了正确的认识 ,了解了慢性灭鼠剂的优点。 Objective:To reduce the damages in agriculture and industry by rodents and to prevent from the transmission of rodent-bornediseases.Methods:'The Technique of Poisoning Rodent in All Habitats' was used,which was the scientific reasrch fruits of Chinese Academy of Science.Results:The population density of rodent in Henghu farm was very high in 1997.The rodent density went down to 0.35% from 32.04% after the campaign to control the rodents in March 1998.Conclusion:The technique and the 'Rodenticide compounds' obtained good results.It's advantages were recognised by the local people.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第6期425-427,共3页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
关键词 农场 全栖息地毒鼠法 复方灭鼠剂 恒湖垦殖场 应用 The technique of poisoning rodents in all habitats Rodent control Henghu farm
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