
棉田瓢虫、蜘蛛种群调查及作用评价 被引量:7

Investigation on populations of lad ybirds and spiders in cotton field and their functions
摘要 调查结果表明,望江棉田瓢虫以龟纹瓢虫为主,蜘蛛以八斑球腹蛛、草间小黑蛛为主,瓢虫、蜘蛛的数量比约为7∶3;不同棉花品种间天敌的种类和数量差异较大;瓢虫对棉蚜有明显的追随关系,基本能控制棉蚜的为害;对棉田天敌应采取以次要害虫养天敌,利用天敌控制主要害虫,充分利用又不完全依赖天敌的策略。 The results of investigation in cotton fields in Wangjiang county showed that the predominant species of ladybirds was Propylaea japonica and those of spiders were Coleosoma octomaculatum as well as Erigonidium graminicolum.The ratio of the amount of ladybirds t o that of spiders was 7∶3.The species and amount of natural enemies in different cotton varieties were relatively different.There was strong correlation between ladybirds and cot-ton aphids,the ladybird can basically control the cotton aphids.The str ategy put forward in this paper was to raise natural enemies with minor pests and control major pests with natural enemies.The natural enemies should be made full use of,but they could not be comp letely depended on.
出处 《植保技术与推广》 2003年第1期5-7,32,共4页 Plant Protection Technology and Extension
关键词 种群调查 瓢虫 蜘蛛 棉蚜 次要害虫 主要害虫 天敌 生物防治 棉花害虫 ladybirds spiders cotton aphids minor pests major pests
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