

Deep Understanding of the Keep-pace-with-the-times Essence of Marxism
摘要 15 0多年来 ,马克思主义所以能够历经风云变幻而愈显其真理光芒 ,就在于它具有与时俱进的理论品质。一部马克思主义的发展史就是一部科学理论的创新史 ,这种创新既有对前人的超越 ,也包括对自己的超越。在这方面 ,马克思、恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东、邓小平都为我们做了很好的榜样 ,而江泽民同志的《七一讲话》更是这种理论创新、与时俱进精神的集中体现。与时俱进是江泽民同志提出“三个代表”思想的理论基础和思想方法 ,是《七一讲话》 Over 150 years,Marxism has withstood various tests of changeable situations,largely due to its essence of keeping pace with the times.The history of Marxism development is also a history of theoretical innovation,which is a process of transcending forerunners and itself as well.In this respect,Marx,Engels,Lenin,Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have set good examples for us.Furthermore,Comrade Jiang's 'July 1st Speech' has been considered to be the concentrated manifestation of the essence of the theoretical innovation and keep pace with the times spirit.Keeping pace with the times has been proved to be the theoretical foundation of the 'Three Representatives' thought and the soul of the 'July 1st Speech'.
出处 《山东电大学报》 2002年第4期10-12,共3页 Journal of Shandong TV University
关键词 马克思主义 与时俱进 理论创新 《七一讲话》 "三个代表" 党的建设 keeping pace with the times theoretical innovation 'July 1st Speech' 'Three Representatives
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