借助灰色理论 ,建立了预测疲劳裂纹扩展的灰色模型 ,并应用此模型预测了某不锈钢构件腐蚀疲劳裂纹的扩展 ,得到了较高精度的预测结果 ,为疲劳裂纹预测提供了一种简易而可靠的新途径。
The processing of fatigue crack data is critical in the fatigue lifetime evaluation and fatigue prediction,because the data which seem to have no evident correlation,involve all the fatigue information.It is important to establish a mathematical model with these data better.In this paper,the grey theory GM(1,1) model is established with the fatigue data which obtained from the corrosion fatigue crack growth.The result shows that the GM(1,1) model has relative good predication accuracy and flexibility.
Gas Turbine Technology