

On Reform on Community Policing
摘要 我们进行社区警务改革 ,就是要通过社区警务的全面实施 ,真正使我国公安工作实现由被动型向主动型转变 ,由打击型向打击与防范型转变 ;由管理型向服务型转变。农村和城市的情况不尽相同 ,故在实行社区警务改革时也应有所侧重或区别。 What we reform on community policing is to implement community policing in full-scale, bringing about a change on Chinese public security affairs from passive position to initiative; from cracking-down to combination with cracking-down and precaution; from administration to service as well. There is a great difference between urban and rural areas, consequently, during the implement on reform about community policing, it should be treated differently and laid special emphasis.
作者 龙艳
出处 《云南公安高等专科学校学报》 2002年第4期66-68,共3页 Journal of Yunnan Public Security College
关键词 社区警务 改革 城镇 乡村 公安工作 Community Policing Reform Urban and Rural Areas
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