从技术角度 ,并通过运用具体生产实践中的数据 ,说明针对各粒级邢台矿原煤洗选性的不同 ,采用按密度分选的煤泥重介工艺的必要性 ;介绍了采用该工艺取得的应用效果 ,结果表明 ,采用该工艺有效降低了煤泥洗选后精煤的灰分 ,提高了精煤产率 ,对提升邢台矿商品煤质量、优化产品结构有重要意义。
From technical angle and using concrete data gained from production process, this paper tries to show the different washabilities of Xingtai raw coal at varied sizes and also the importance of the adoption of heavy medium preparation technique for cleaning slime according to various densities of the slime. This paper also introduces the effectiveness of the preparation process, which indicates that the use of this process effectively reduces the ash content in the product out of the slime separation process and the clean coal yield is improved. The application of this process is of great significance to the improvement of Xingtai saleable coal quality and optimization of Xingtai coal product structure.
China Coal