

Towards the thought of research-based learning in Chinese educational history
摘要 研究性学习是当前关于人的终身教育学习的重要思想 ,我国有着悠久的教育学习传统和丰富的经验 ,许多著名的教育家在不同时期提出了学习过程中充分发挥主体参与、亲身实践和研究创新的真知灼见。 The research based learning is an important thought relating to man's life long education and study.China has an age old tradition of education and study,and a wealth of experience.Many famous educators presented original views on it in different period.
出处 《石家庄师范专科学校学报》 2003年第1期76-78,共3页 Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College
关键词 学习思想 中国 教育史 研究性学习 教育思想 学习理念 China history of education research based Learning
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