1988—1989年,在内蒙古东部乌尔旗汗地区兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini Rupr.)天然林内,对危害落叶松球果的卷蛾进行了定点观察,并在库都尔、吉文、阿里河等邻近地区进行了该卷蛾种群数量调查。经鉴定该卷蛾为东北小卷蛾Cydia illutana dahuricolana(V.I.Kuznetzov),是我国新记录。在内蒙古东部地区,东北小卷蛾一年发生一代,以蛹越冬。对幼虫及蛹的形态特征作了详细描述,对生活习性、危害、不同地区种群数量的差异也进行了初步研究。
The tortricoid moth damaging larch (Larix gmelini Rupr.) cone was surveyed in natural larch forest in Wurjihan in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia from 1988 to 1989, and the population quantity of the moth is investigated in Kuduer, Jiwen and other neighbor areas. The tortricoid moth was identified to be Cydia illutana dahuricolana (Ⅴ.Ⅰ.Kuznetzov), it is recorded for the first time in China. It has one generation a year, and overwinters as pupae in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia. The characteristics of the larvae and pupae are described in detail, its life habit and damaging are preliminary studied. The differences of its population quantity in different area were discussed by combining with meteorological factors.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University