This paper investigates that the influence of corruption on economic welfare, the network scale of division of labor, and social productivity through a general equilibrium model. We firstly calculate that the Walras equilibrium from a market economy, where each individual can choose his or her occupation freely, then investigate the influence of a privileged group on the society when the group is elected as high level governor, and lastly consider the situation of joint conspiracy from governors through their agents, namely mechanism-related corruption. Here, the agents serve the benefits of governor through charging an entrance fee, which is correspondent to the bribery , while the price of governor service at this moment is still decided by the supply and demand of a Walras market. This model indicates clearly that corruption increases the wellbeing of privileged groups(including corruptive officials and other closely related people)in the transition countries , and that this increase is based on the loss of interests of the masses.
Comparative Economic & Social Systems