
MAV气动外形优化设计 被引量:3

The Aerodynamic Figuration Optimize Design of Micro Air Vehicle
摘要 针对微型飞行器的特点,抽象出其气动模型和飞行性能模型。采用单学科优化和多学科优化相结合的方法对常规气动布局进行了气动外形优化,并比较分析了单、多学科的优化结果,得出重要结论。 Base on the characteristic of Micro Air Vehicle, the paper abstract the aerodynamic and flight performance models. The aerodynamic figuration of the normal MAV configuration was optimized applying the method of the combinative of single and multidisciplinary design optimization. Moreover the result of the single and multidisciplinary design optimization was analyzed,and the important conclusion was drew.
出处 《航空计算技术》 2002年第4期45-48,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(60175032)
关键词 MAV 多学科优化 升阻比 过载系数 静稳定裕度 MAV multidisciplinary design optimization lift dragratio coefficient of over loading amplitude of static stabilization
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