着重介绍了拍卖理论在电力市场竞价机制设计中的应用。介绍了运用拍卖理论对统一价格和 PAB竞价的市场效率、市场势力和策略性投标问题所做的各种分析 ;介绍了两种富有特色的新竞价机制 ,即迭代竞价机制和分段竞价机制 ;介绍了运用机制设计理论设计激励一致的电力市场竞价机制的方法 ;总结了国内关于发电市场竞价机制的研究成果 ;介绍了竞价算法问题 ;介绍了竞价机制的实验模拟研究 ;最后简述了电力市场结构问题。希望通过拍卖理论的引入 。
The application of auction theory in electricity market auction design is focused on in this paper. The analyses of uniform price auction and pay as bid auction based on auction theory are introduced. Two new auction institutions, namely iterative bidding and block bidding are proposed. The methods of designing incentive compatible auctions are shown. Since the application of auction theory in electricity market auction design has not attracted enough attention in China, there are some other methods used. The paper also introduces these methods, along with the computational algorithms to implement the theoretical auction mechanisms. Some basic issues of electricity market architecture are outlined at the end. Because of the complexity of electricity market auction, not only the introduction of auction theory to electricity market auction design can lay a theoretical groundwork for the implementation of electricity transaction, but also the emergence of energy auction brings new challenges for classic auction theory.
Automation of Electric Power Systems
国家自然科学基金重点资助项目 (5 993715 0 )