通过对浙北果梅桑白蚧的发生及其形态特征的观察发现,桑白蚧在本地每年发生3代,以若虫和雌成虫为害果梅2年生以上枝条,吸取枝条养分,造成减产或植株死亡。第1代若虫高峰期发生在5月中旬至下旬,此时正是果实接近成熟期,禁用药剂防治。根据生产实际需要,设置了化学防治试验,于黄梅采摘后首次喷药,间隔15 d再次喷药。试验结果表明,桑白蚧介壳初步形成后化学防治仍可取得一定的防治效果,尤以40% 速扑杀600倍液喷杀效果最好,防治效果达89.1 %。
Observations on occurrence and morphological properties of Pseudaulacaspis pentagona in the northern Zhejiang showed that it has 3 generations every year, nymph and female adult damages 2-years branches to yield decrease and even death of the damaged plant by inhaling nutrient of the branches. The peak period of the first generation nymph occurs in the middle and last days of May when fruit nears mature period but is forbidden to be prevented by pesticide. Chemical control after plum picked and 15 days again demonstrated it had effect on the insect, especially 600-fold of 40% Supusha had 89.1% control effect.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology