
多径衰落信道的分数布朗运动模型 被引量:8

Fractal Brownian Motion Model of Multipath Fading Channels
摘要 本文旨在将分形理论引入多径衰落信道的研究 ,从非线性科学的角度出发建立了多径信道的分数布朗运动模型 .通过探讨多径信号的增量统计分布、统计自相似性、广义功率谱和分形维数 ,揭示了多径衰落与分数布朗运动间的内在联系 ;指出信号的分维是描述无线信道传播特性的重要参数 ;在分形模型的基础上 ,对多径信号进行了重构 .实验结果表明 ,无线信道的分数布朗运动模型比传统的随机模型能更有效地刻划和描述多径衰落的行为 . This paper introduces fractal theory into the research of multipath fading channels, and a novel Fractal Brownian Motion (FBM) model is established. By studying the increments' probability distribution, statistical self-similarity, generalized power spectra and fractal dimension of multipath fading signals, it shows the inherent relationship between the multipath fading and FBM, and that fractal dimension is a key parameter for describing the signal propagation in wireless channels. Finally, we apply FBM model to the reconstruction of multipath signals, yielding reasonably accurate replication. Simulation results indicate that the FBM model could describe multipath fading phenomena more accurately and effective than the conventional statistical models.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期8-12,共5页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金 (No 60 0 72 0 4 0 )
关键词 多径衰落 信道模型 分数布朗运动 分形理论 移动通信 Brownian movement Communication channels (information theory) Fractals
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