
浅议糯米酒的研制及系列化 被引量:9

Discussion on the Development of Glutinous Rice Wine and Its Serialization
摘要 经过对现在普遍采用的糯米酒生产工艺的改进,多次研制试验,最后确定的两种工艺为:(1)清质型工艺流程;(2)乳浊型工艺流程。合理的工艺条件参数为:淋饭温度30~35℃;多曲混合发酵,曲的用量为1%左右;糖化温度30~35℃,时间2~3d,最终糖度25g/100ml;加浆发酵温度0~5℃;灌装杀菌温度75~80℃,45min。(孙悟) Through the innovation of present applied production techniques of glutinous rice wine and a great number of development tests,two kinds of technical process including clarity techcical process and milking technical process were eventually determined.The adequate parameters of technical conditions were as follows :the temperature of rice pouring was at30?35℃;fermentation by mixed starters and the use level of starters was about 1%of the total amount ;saccharification temperature was at30?35℃and saccharifica-tion time was2?3d;the final sugar content was25g/100ml ;the fermentation temperature with syrup added was at0?5℃;the ster-ilization temperature during bottle filling was at75?80℃and the sterilization time was45min.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
作者 寿泉洪
出处 《酿酒科技》 2003年第2期65-65,64,共2页 Liquor-Making Science & Technology
关键词 糯米酒 研制 系列化产品 生产工艺 glutinous rice wine development serial products
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