金融业作为现代经济发展的重要支持 ,其经营方式也随着社会经济发展经历了一系列变化过程。出于竞争和金融业本身发展的需要 ,世界许多国家纷纷放松对本国金融业的限制 ,由此推动了全球金融业混业经营发展和金融监管改革。在这场变革中 ,刚加入WTO的我国金融业该如何顺应形势 ,在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地 ,是个严肃而迫切需要解决的问题。拟对我国金融业推行混业经营的模式选择略做分析 ,并提出自己的看法和建议。
Finance is the important support of modern economy,following the development of economy and society, its running method causes a series of chang To compete and develop,many countries in the world have relaxed the condition to finance in their countries,which it is a serious issue for our finance industries to handle how to follow the new situation and improved the finance mergence and reform all -over the world China entered the WTO,succeed in competition This article tries to analyse the choise of pursuance finance mergence in China ,and puts forward some ideas
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics