中国的法治理论是继受西方的产物。西方的法治学说主要有两种路向 :一是“原教旨主义”(fundamental ism) ;二是“普世主义”(ecumenicalism)。前者遵循西方的古典传统 ,通过展示西方某些最基本的价值标准以及对“法”的某些道德要求 ,向人们证明建立一种理性的法律秩序既是合理的也是可能的 ;后者则试图绕开西方那些基本价值和道德要求 ,单就“法律秩序”自身范围内寻求对法治的认知和实践。不同文化按自己的观点去证立法治 ,并从各自的实践和相互对话中达到对法治规范的共识也是可能的。中国法家的“法治观”在一定程度上与普世主义的路径是相融通的 ,本文尝试借着比较法家的法思想与实证主义的法思想来检讨当代中国接纳普世主义法治观的可行性。
In recent years many theories of the rule of law have been adapted from the West to China. In general, there are two methodologies in the western academic theories: one is “fundamentalism”, the other is “ecumenicalism”. The former carries forward the western classical tradition and claims that construction of a reasonable legal order is rational as well as possible by providing certain essential values and moral demands for “law”. Whereas the latter, which tries to sidestep those basic values and moral demands, explores the knowledge and execution of the rule of law only in the spectrum of “the legal order”. The rule of law can be testified of different culture's own accord and, furthermore the common understanding of the rule of law can be achieved through respective practice and mutual dialogue among the different cultures. The Chinese Legalists' “conception of the rule of law' merges into the ecumenical ones to a certain extend, and this article will attempt to inspect the feasibility of Chinese adapting ecumenical conception of the rule of law by comparing positive legal thought and Legalists'
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