文中针对我国电力工业市场化改革的难点问题,提出了一种适合中国现阶段国情的发电侧逐步市场化的竞价新模式。其核心思想是:在电力市场化的初期,将发电机 组划分为市场内、外两组。市场内机组实现竞价上网;市场外仍按核定成本发电,并可保留合同。市场内、外发电负荷的分配比例取决于各组的综合上网电价。该模式可较好地解决历史遗留问题,实现市场内机组竞价负荷的弹性化,平稳系统电价,避免在过短时间内全部市场化所产生的风险,用市场手段引导发电公司逐步走向市场。针对这一新的市场模式,该文建立了相应的模型,并提出了相应的计算方法。该模式和算法已经在实际系统中得到应用,为我国电力市场改革提供了新的思路。
Through analyzing the difficulties of current deregulation of Chinese power industry, this paper proposes a novel model in which electricity market is gradually established and it has been testified that such model is available for the current situation of China. In this model, at the beginning of restructuring power industry, generators are divided into two alternative group, some of them are inside market, the left outside market. Generators inside market will participate in generation competition, while those outside market maintain cost-based operation mode with contracts. The load demand will be distributed to each group in term of their integrated generating price. The lower price of the group, the more load demand will be obtained. This model can coordinate the cost-difference conflict between old and new power plants, make load demand elastic relatively to its price in the case single buyer trading model, valorize electricity trading price avoiding the price risk of restructuring power industry and make it marketable in very short period of time, and gradually lead generators join in market by means of market mechanism. The mathematical model corresponding to the new model proposed by this paper is established and the decoupled algorithm is also presented. Both the market model and the solution algorithm have already been put into the real application.
Proceedings of the CSEE