

The Communist Party of China is the Representative Of Chinese Advanced Productivity
摘要 中国共产党的历史是一贯代表先进生产力的历史。革命和改革是党领导人民在不同阶段解放生产力的两种基本方法。社会主义阶段 ,我们要牢固确立改革的观念 ,不断发展生产力特别是先进生产力 ,做到三个必须 :必须坚定不移地贯彻党的基本理论和基本路线 ;必须做好提高人的素质的工作 ;必须大力发展我国的科技事业。 The history of Chinese Communist Party is always that of the representative of advanced productivity. Revolutions and reforms are two basic ways of increasing productivity, in which the people, led by the Party, renew their ideas, develop advanced productivity and fulfil the requirements -- that the basic theory and line of the Party be carried out firmly, that people's quality be improved better and better and that the cause of science and technologh be developed greatly. The theory and practice that the Chinese Communist Party represents the advanced productivity must go down to the future generation.
作者 张羽天
出处 《晋中师范高等专科学校学报》 2002年第3期169-171,共3页 Journal of Jinzhong Teachers College
关键词 中国共产党 先进生产力 "三个代表" 生产关系 党的建设 社会主义制度 Three Representatives' advanced productivity reform
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