速率高于 40Gbit/s以上光脉冲发生器件是构建高速宽带光纤通信网络系统的关键 ,行波型电吸收调制器(TW EAM)与分布反馈激光器 (DFB LD)的单片集成技术代表该领域的最新发展方向。本文利用准静态等效电路模型对行波型电吸收调制器的微波特性进行了分析并与实验室的实际测量结果进行了比较 ,得到了比较满意的结果。介绍了TW EAMDFB
A high bit rate more than 40 Gbit/s optical pulse generation device is the key to achieving high speed and broadband optical fiber communication network system. A traveling wave electro-absorption modulator integrated with a distributed feedback laser diodes presents the latest tendency at this domain. In this paper, a quasi state equivalent circuit model is used for examine the TW EAM microwave properties. Compared with the experiment results, it gets a satisfied conclusion. Finally, this article introduces the TW EAMDFB LD properties and the recent research achievements.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices