The analytical data of source rock samples reveal three n alkane distribution patterns in Tertiary saline lacustrine strata deposited in different facies in western Qaidam Basin. The n alkanes with even carbon number preference in C18~ C28 range and no odd/even one in the range above C28 are found in the profundal lacustrine source rocks, the odd to even predominance in whole carbon number range in the marginal strata, and even over odd preference in middle carbon number range (C18~ C22) and odd over even one in the range above C23 in the transitional facies. Comparing the geochemical parameters for sedimentary environment and carbonate contents between source rocks deposited in various facies, the n alkane distribution patterns of the source rocks studied are believed to be independent of the redox in depositional environments and the mineral composition of source rocks, but to be associated with original organic matter composition within the given sedimentary facies. In opposition to the conventional proposition, the n alkanes with even carbon number preference could not be produced by the diagenetic reduction of corresponding n fatty acids and alcohols or by the mechanism in which carbonate catalyzes β breakage. It is possible that those n alkanes have been directly originated from philo salt bacteria or microorganism in saline lake.<P>