
港澳台女子高等教育的历史与现状 被引量:3

Women's higher education in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
摘要 文章以翔实的数字和严谨的分析 ,对港澳台地区女子高等教育的历史、发展状况与现存的问题进行研究 ,揭示出女性高等教育发展的动力与障碍 ,呼吁社会面对女子高等教育中存在的诸多需要关注、深思和逐步解决的问题。 By giving full and accurate figures and making a close analysis, the essay conducts a survey of the history, development and existing problems in women's higher education in these regions. Thus, it reveals the impetuses and obstacles in the development of women's higher education and meanwhile, calls on the whole society to face such problems in urgent need for being concerned with, reflected upon and sorted out.
作者 宋珂君 何红
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2003年第1期8-14,共7页 Journal of China Women's University
关键词 女子高等教育 香港 澳门 台湾省 精英教育 平民教育 男理女文 教育发展 education of elite mass education men study science women arts female teaching staff in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
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