榆林南部丘陵区观念落后 ,生态环境差 ,经济、教育基础薄弱 ,是榆林经济发展的后进地区。通过加大投入力度 ,转变观念 ,调整经济结构 ,密切与发达地区联系合作 ,才能促进榆林南部黄土丘陵农村经济快速发展。
The losess hilly region in Yulin is a backward area in economic development.It is backward in ideas,unfavorable in environment,and weak in the infrastfructure of economy and education.In order to quicken the steps of rural economic development,it is imperative to make bigger efforts to change the ideas,to provide more input,to readjust the economic structure,and to strengthen the aid of the developed areas suited to its needs.
Journal of Yulin College