

About the Influence of Matrilineal Commune Customs on Yin Shang Aristocrats and Their Descendents
摘要 商代去母系氏族公社时期未远 ,因此妇女仍拥有一定的地位 ,商宫贵妇拥有自己的土地、臣民 ,并参入到社会事物中去 ,这在甲骨卜辞中可见一斑。神话传说、“兄终弟及”制 ,商人对母祖的尊崇 ,以及妇人多无姓等等都表明商代仍有母系族公社时代的遗俗 ,这种遗俗对殷商后裔产生深远的影响 ,成为春秋时期多乱的一个原因。 There were not too long time from Shang Dynasty to matrilineal commune,and women still had some social status.In Shang palace,highestranking imperial concubines own land and slaves,and took part in social businesses.All these can be seen in inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells.From fairy tale,and the system that younger brother succeeded to the throne from elder brother,and the worship to female ancestors,and the evidence that most women had not surname,etc,we can discovered some old customs of matrilineal commune that were retained in Shang.These customs brought far-reaching influence on Yin Shang descendents,and become a confusion factor in Chun Qiu chaos time.
作者 刘青
机构地区 复旦大学中文系
出处 《昆明师范高等专科学校学报》 2001年第3期47-49,共3页 Journal of Kunming Teachers College
关键词 母系社会 遗俗 婚俗 殷朝 商朝 贵族 后裔 影响 martrilineal customs inscriptions on bones or tortoise
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