本文综述了近年有关中国超级杂交水稻的栽培特性和生态适应性的研究结果。指出目前已育成的超级杂交水稻在我国南方多种生态区域作一季稻栽培 ,产量可达 12 t/ hm2 ,生育期 130— 15 0 d,颖花量 5 .5— 6 .0万 / m2 ,L AI9- 10 ,株高10 0— 110 cm,分蘖力偏强 ,表现出足穗大穗、源库协调、耐肥抗倒的潜在高产优势。通过对超级杂交水稻的生长发育、光合生产及其分配、分蘖及其成穗、根系生长及其活力、适宜种植区域及其栽培期、超高产途径与技术体系等方面的研究 ,初步明确了单本稀植、增施氮肥条件下产量形成的生理基础、栽培环境和农艺调控技术。为了充分发挥超级杂交水稻的高产潜力 ,有必要对其足穗大穗与高结实率相互协调的高产生理机制进行酶学水平、激素水平、甚至分子水平的研究 ,并对 SRI强化栽培技术措施的优化作进一步的研究。
This paper summarizes the results of high yielding cultivation researches on super hybrid rice in recent years. The yield of China super hybrid rice can reached to 12 t/ha as the single rice in one year under different ecological condition in the south of China. The growth duration is 130—150 d, spikelet number is 5.5—6.0 ×104/m2, LAI is 9—10, plant height is 100—110 cm. It has stronger tillering ability, which shows the potential yield of adequate panicle number and large panicles, coordination between sink and source, fertilizer tolerant and lodging resistance. Through systematic researches of growth and development, dry matter production, tillering ability, root activity, optimum locations and seasons, high yielding path and the technique system for super hybrid rice, the physiological basis of high yielding formation, cultivation environments and agronomy techniques under the cultivation conditions of single seedling and sparse planting and increase in nitrogen fertilizer is recognized. In order to exploit the high yielding potential of super hybrid rice, it is necessary to further conduct the experimental studies of the coordination between the adequate panicle number and large panicles and their grain filling percentage in the aspects of enzyme, hormone, and even molecular level, as well as the optimization of SRI intensive cultivation techniques.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
"十五"国家科技攻关重大项目 [2 0 0 1BA( 5 0 7A) ]<水稻优质高效生产技术研究与示范>
湖南省农业重点项目 ( 0 1-5 )<两系法超级杂交水稻高产高效栽培技术集成>