目的 :通过针刺老年大鼠“足三里”、“关元”穴[1] 观测大鼠脑、肾组织中一氧化氮合酶 (NOS)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、丙二醛 (MDA)含量的变化。方法 :采用生物化学方法检测针刺后大鼠脑、肾组织中NOS、CAT、MDA含量的变化。结果 :针刺能提高脑、肾组织中一氧化氮合酶含量 ,提高CAT活性 ,降低MDA含量。结论 :针刺老年大鼠“足三里”、“关元”穴能提高抗氧化防御系统酶的活性 ,增强清除自由基的能力 ,减少或抑制脂质过氧化产物的生成 ,从而起到延缓衰老进程、抗衰老的作用。
Purpose:This experiment observes the effect of acupnucture on the changes in content of NOS,CAT and MDA in brain and kidney tissues of the aged rats in order to study the aspect of the acupuncture result about resisting the system of oxidation.Method:By using the biochemical way to test the content of NOS,CAT and MDA in brain and kidney tissues of old rats.Result:Compared with the aged group,content of NOS and CAT remarkably increases in brain and kidney tissues in the acupuncured group,content of MDA remarkably decreased in brain and kidney tissues in the acupunctured group.Conclusion:Statistical analysis shows that acupuncture on the old rats'Zu San Li'and'Guan Yuan'can strengthen the system of antioxidation and inhibit the reaction of lipidperoxidation and oppose the course of aging.
Acta Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology