
A型行为者对应激反应相似性的逻辑质研究 被引量:12

Logic research on stress similarity of a type behaviors to stress response
摘要 目的 采用逻辑质方法研究医科学生A型行为者应激相似性。方法 用A型行为类型量表将 75名医科学生测评分型 ;再测量其应激与安静时的血浆皮质醇 (cortisol)和甲状激素 (T3)水平值 ,并分析逻辑四项指标。结果 分别在应激和安静时 ,其cor tisol和T3指标之间均无统计差异 (t应激≤ 0 .0 50 58,t安静≤ 1 .1 0 95 ,均P >0 .0 5) ;cortisol和T3指标每项在A型和非A型行为者间应激反应差别具有显著差性 (tcortisol   =2 .372 6 ,P >0 .0 5 ,tcortisol  ≥2 .842 6 ,P <0 .0 5tT3 ≥ 4 .7436 ,P <0 .0 5 ,tT3  =0 .0 0 0 ,P >0 .0 5) ,两种指标的逻辑性相同即相似性。 Objective To study stress similarity of A type behavior to stress response with plasma cortisol and thyroid hormone(T3) by logic qualitative research.Methods 75 cases were determined for A type behavior using psychological questionnaire, and their plasma levels of cortisol and T3 measured in stress and rest respectively with logic qualitative research.Results There was no different response of between plasma cortisol and thyroid hormone(T3) of non A and A type behaviors in stress and rest (t stress ≤0.05058,t rest ≤l.1095,all P>0.05)respectively in logic. There was significant difference between non A and A type behaviors with either of plasma cortisol(t cortisol =2.3726,P>0.05,t cortisol ≥2.8426,P<0.05)or thyroid hormone(T3)(tT3=4.7436, P< 0.05 ;tT3=0.000,P>0.05) in stress and rest with logic qualitative research, and there was the same logic relation called stress similarity of both no different response and significant difference of plasma cortisol and thyroid hormone(T3) above. Conclusion In there is, logic, a stress similarity of non A and A type behaviors to stress responses of plasma cortisol and thyroid hormone(T3).
出处 《中国行为医学科学》 CSCD 2003年第1期26-27,共2页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science
关键词 A型行为者 应激相似性 逻辑质 皮质醇 甲状激素 冠心病 A type behavior Stress similarity Logic qualitative research Plasma cortisol T3 hormone
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