The article reports author's experience in performing splenocaval shunt in 41 patients with portal hypertension. The splenocaval shunt is not influenced by function of the kidney affected and renovascular deformity. The successful rate of the operation is higher than that of the splenorenal shunt because of shallow location in caval vein and easy manipulation. The effect of the portal decompression is superior due to greater flow to the shunt blood. A 4-5 year survival rate of 73.6% for this porcedure in the group was not inferior to similar operations, at least not inferior to the splenorenal shunt. 92.6% of the patients in the group recovered with all day or slight work. Rehemorrhage(6.5%)was obviously lower than that of other reports about splenorenal shunt and portocaval shunt in the country.