目的 :研究急性化脓性胆管炎 (acutesuppurativecholangitis,ASC)时的常见致病菌及对抗生素的耐药性 ,以指导临床合理用药。方法 :采用Viter-AmsSystem和Kirby -Bauer法 ,对临床标本进行细菌培养并检测对临床常用多种抗生素的耐药性。结果 :培养出的 16 2株细菌 ,前 4位分别是 :大肠埃希氏菌、克雷伯菌属、粪肠球菌、脆弱拟杆菌。药敏实验表明临床常用抗生素的耐药率高达 30 %~10 0 %。抗菌作用较好的是新近问世并临床采用的药物 ,如头孢他定、万古霉素和亚胺培南等。结论 :ASC时 。
Objective: To study the common pathogens in ASC and their resistance to antibiotics in order to guide the clinical drug application.Methods: Viter-Ams system and Kirby-Bauer methods were used to cultivate the separated pathogens and to examine their resistance to the antibiotics.Results: 162 strains were isolated,the first four common strains were Escherichia coli;Klebsiela sp;E. aerogenes and Fragile bacteroid.Drug-resistance examination showed that the resistance rate to the current popular antibiotics was 30%~100%. The effective antibiotics were ceftazidime; vancomycin and imipenem. Conclusion: The surveillance of antibiotics resistance is important to improve the effect of antibiotics.
Hebei Medicine