
广东省传染性非典型肺炎流行病学特征初步调查 被引量:82

Epidemiological study on severe acute respiratory syndrome in Guangdong province
摘要 目的 了解广东省局部地区流行的传染性非典型肺炎 (SARS)的流行病学特征 ,为制定预防控制对策和措施提供科学依据。方法 采用统一的流行病学个案调查表对病例进行调查。利用EPI 6 .0软件分析SARS病例在广东省的流行过程 ,地区、时间、人群分布及聚集性等特征。结果 SARS在广东省的发病率为 1.72 / 10万 ,病死率为 3.6 4 %。发病主要集中在 1月下旬至 2月下旬 (2月上旬达到高峰 ) ,占病例总数的 6 1.88%。地区分布以经济发达、人口流动频繁的珠江三角洲地区为主 ,占病例总数的 96 .6 6 % ;患者以青壮年居多 ;医务人员是高发人群 ,占病例总数的 2 4 .9% ;有明显的家庭和医院聚集 ,聚集性病例占 37.1%。结论 SARS是一种呼吸道传播为主的传染病 ,目前发现传染源是人 ,潜伏期 1~ 12天 ,中位数 4天 ;通过短距离飞沫和密切接触传播 ;人群普遍易感 ,病例主要集中在经济发达、人口流动频繁的珠江三角洲地区。 Objectives To understand the epidemiological characteristics of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreaks in some areas of Guangdong province and to provide scientific basis for prevention and control measures against it. Methods Standardized questionnaire was used on individual cases. Data on the epidemiological characteristics as time,place,persons and aggregation status of SARS cases,development of the epidemics,were analyzed with software EPI 6.0 . Results The incidence of SARS in Guangdong province was 1.72/ 100 000 with case fatality rate as 3.64 %. Most cases of SARS occurred between the last ten days of January and the first ten days of February with the peak ( 61.88 % of the patients) occurred in the first ten days of February. As to the distribution of place,Pearl river delta region-economically developed with great number of mobile population-was heavily affected areas (account for 96.66 % of the total patients). The majority of patients were young adults and medical staff seemed to be the most affected subgroup (account for 24.9 % of the patients in total). Family and hospital aggregation of patients comprised the another two important characteristics of SARS (account for 37.1 % of the total patients). Conclusion Current knowledge on SARS suggested that it was an air-borne infectious disease with human beings served as the source of infection. The incubation period of the disease was from 1 to 12 days with a median of 4 days. Respiratory secretions and close contact contributed to person-to-person transmission. Most cases were distributed in Pearl river delta region,an area famous for its economic development and heavy flow of mobile population.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期350-352,共3页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
关键词 广东 传染性 非典型肺炎 流行病学特征 调查 Severe acute respiratory syndrome Epidemiology
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