

Computer Analysis of the Infrared Thermography on Human Face
摘要 我们使用配有微机图像处理系统的红外热像仪,对116例健康人和210例面瘫患者的面部温度分布进行观察,并应用DISCO3.1热像图处理程序进行面部热图区域(部位)温度均值的提取和面部热图的处理。使用“AREA”程序和“HISTOGRAM”程序,首次得到健康人面部26个区域或部位的平均温度均值,同时还得到面瘫患者面部温度分布的病理特征。使用“AVERGE”记录程序、“ISOTHRM”程序、“MAGNIFY”程序、“SPOTMET”程序、“RELIEF”程序等记录和处理的面部热图更清晰、更直观。观察结果表明,计算机用于生物热图处理不仅对热图的分析更加方便和客观,同时还使热图具有定量功能。 The distribution of face temperatures from 116 persons and 210 patients with face nerve paralysis was observed. Tests were conducted using infrared thermovision 782 and face thermograms were analysed by TC-800computer and DISCO 3.1 thermogram program. As programs of 'Average' , ' Isothrm' , 'Magenify', 'Spotme' and 'Relief' were used, face thermograms appeared very clear. By employing programs of 'Area' and 'Histogram', 26 parameters of face temperatures in healthy person and distribution features of face temperatures in patients with face nerve paralysis were obtained, and the percentages of face components of each temperature value were analysed. Results showed that as computer was used in biological thermogram processing, data analysis became convenient and objective, which also enable the thermography to function quantitively for face temperature analysis.
出处 《红外技术》 CSCD 1992年第5期21-26,共6页 Infrared Technology
关键词 红外热象仪 计算机分析 人面部热图 Image processing Infrared thermography of human face Face nerve paralysis
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