报道了缩合加氢法合成新戊二醇的工艺研究结果。缩合反应采用异丁醛和甲醛为原料 ,三乙胺为催化剂 ,在 60℃左右反应 ,缩合产物经减压蒸馏和结晶、干燥 ,得到收率为 90 %以上的中间体羟基戊醛 (HPA) ;加氢反应采用自制的Cu -ZnO催化剂 ,乙醇为溶剂 ,在 15 0℃将HPA加氢生成新戊二醇 (NPG) ,HPA转化率为 99% ,新戊二醇收率在 95 %以上 ,而且HPA缩合反应的副产物在加氢反应中也转化为新戊二醇。
The results of manufacture of neopentyl glycol by condensation and hydrogenation were reported.The condensation reaction,in which the yield of intermediate product after refining process was more than 90%,used iso-butylaldehyde and formaldehyde as materials,Et 3N as catalyst.The hydrogenation,in which the conversion of hydroxypivaldehyde(HPA) and selectivity of NPG were respectively 99% and 95%,used Cu-ZnO as catalyst,and ethanol as solute,meanwhile in the hydrogenation,the impurity in material could also be hydrogenated to NPG.
Shandong Chemical Industry