

Binding Energies of Excitons in Ⅱ Type In_(1-x_) Ga_xAs/GaSb_(1-y)As_y Quantum Well.
摘要 该文提出ρ和Z相耦合的试探波函数,采用变分法计算了Ⅱ型量子阱In_(1-x)Ga_xAs/GaSb_(1-y)As_y中激子的结合能。发现随合金组分(x,y)的增加结合能增加,随阱宽b的减小,结合能单调上升。当阱宽b在10 nm附近时,材料由半导体转变为半金属。此外,还与Ⅰ型量子阱GaAs/Ga_(1-x)Al_xAs中激子结合能作了比较。 The trial wave functions of ρ and Z to couple are developed inthis paper, the binding energies of excitons in Ⅱ type In_(1-x) Ga_xAs /GaSb_(1-y)As_yquantum wells are calculated by means of variational method. The binding en-ergies increase with increasing alloys composition (x,y ), and rise monotoni-cally with decreasing the well width b. When the well width is about 10 nm,In_(1-x) Ga_xAs /GaSb_(1-y)As_y will transform semiconductor into semimetal. In ad-dition,the results are also compared with the binding energies of excitons in Ⅰtype GaAs/Ga_(1-x)Al_xAs quantum wells.
作者 华文玉
出处 《华东工学院学报》 CSCD 1992年第3期10-13,共4页
关键词 激子 结合能 量子 Ⅱ型 excitons binding energy quantum trap
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