在韩国农水产品加工食品中,泡菜是第一个获得国际精品标准认证的。国际精品认证,与适用于工业晶的ISO国际认证一样,是农水产品加工食品的国际流通标准。 Codex是由联合国食品及农业组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合运营的国际食品规格委员会为促进食品的国际贸易,以保护消费者的健康为目的制定的国际食品规格。 韩国农林部为更好地应付瞬息万变的国际环境,以及泡菜的世界食品化,在与韩国食品开发研究院的共同努力下。
Korean Kimchi has passed over hundreds of years and become symbol of diet civilization. It got the first international attest when country went towards the world. Like ISO attest in industry, Codex is an important standard in agricultural and aquatic products, which is operated by FAO and WHO to protect human's health. It was complicated project to pass the Codex attest Korea government delivered the Codex plan of Kimchi and absorbed the advice from several concerned countries.
China Food Industry