目的 了解 5个改水项目省 (区 )家庭主妇的相关卫生知识、态度、行为及有关影响因素。方法 实施干预前在 2 2个项目村中每个村随机抽取 12户 ,对 2 44名家庭主妇进行入户个别深入访谈和观察 ;其中汉族人口占 79 1% ,满族占 9 8% ,彝族、哈尼族、布依族合计占 11 8%。结果 ①被调查家庭主妇日常喝开水的百分率为18 8%~ 87 5 % ;②家庭主妇洗手率为 40 4%~ 10 0 0 % ;③储水容器保洁正确率为 17 8%~ 94 1% ;④家庭厕所普及率为 2 6 7%~ 88 2 %。结论 ①家庭主妇缺乏卫生知识 ,忽视相关卫生行为 ,卫生保健意识薄弱 ;②部分省 (区 )厕所普及率和使用率低 ,环境卫生状况较差。③家庭主妇选择广播电视是她们获得健康教育知识的最佳途径。
Objective To investigate the KAP about water application among housewives in 5 provinces of the water supply project, including Hebei,Hubei,Jiangxi, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan Methods In door in depth interview and observation were conducted by trained local health workers among 244 housewives, from 22 villages, 12 households from each project village, before intervention Of 244 housewives, 79 1% was Han ethnic group,9 8% was Man ethnic group,11 8% was Yi, Hani and Buyi ethnic group Results ① 18 8%~87 5% of housewives drank boiled water;② The hand washing rates of the housewives were 40 4%~100%; ③ The rates of keeping water container clean were 17 8%~94 1%; ④ The prevalence rate of household latrine were 26 7%~88 2% Conclusion ① The housewives, in particular those of nationality minority lack necessary health knowledge and health awareness, neglected health behavior, and were accustomed to traditional living styles ② The prevalence rate of household latrine was rather low, and the environmental hygiene was bad in some provinces ③ Broadcast and television are the most preferable channels to receive health education for the housewives
Chinese Journal of Health Education