目的 了解青年女性眼球突出度及其与近视眼关系。方法 采用整群抽样的方法 ,对本校 18~ 19岁女性进行眼球突出度与屈光状态检查。结果 90 0名受检青年女性中 ,视力正常眼与近视眼两组眼球突出度左、右眼间比较 ,差异均无显著性 ;视力正常眼 ,轻度、中度、高度近视眼各组测定人群眼球突出度经方差分析比较有显著性差异 (F =4.678,P <0 .0 5 ) ,四组人群眼球突出度经 L SD处理后两两比较 :视力正常眼与中、高度近视眼 ,高度近视眼与轻、中度近视眼等四组之间均有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 眼球突出度与近视眼之间存在一定的关系 ,即近视眼随着眼轴延长近视屈光度增加 。
Objective To in vestigate the exophthalmos of female youth and its relationship with myopia.Methods Sampling was performed among girls aged 18-19 years in our school.We measured the exophthalmos and the increment of refractive diopter.Results There's little different between the two eyes of the normal eyesighted and the myopic among the 900 female youth.The exophthalmos among the four groups of normal eyesight,low ,middle and high myopia are obviously difference after covariance analysing (F=4.678,P<0.05).After the handling of LSD,we made the following comparison,normal eyesight compares to middle and high myopia;high myopia compares to low myopia and normal eyesight,there are obvious difference among these four groups (P<0.05).Conclusion There's certain relationship between exophthalmos and myopia,that is,to a myopic person,as his eye axis extends,his increment of refractive diopter increases,and the exophthalmos also increases.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology