
丙酸杆菌细胞壁骨架抗癌作用的实验研究 被引量:2

摘要 观察了丙酸杆菌细胞壁骨架(P—CWS)对小鼠实验肿瘤的抑制作用。结果发现,腹腔注射P—CWS 能减缓TA 2小鼠乳腺腺痴MA737的生长;瘤内注射可以抑制T739小鼠肺腺癌LA795的发生、发展及肺部转移。P—CWS 尚能活化正常TA 2小鼠脾脏非粘附细胞及腹腔巨噬细胞,在过继抗癌免疫实验中发挥抗癌作用。表明P—CWS 是一种有潜力的抗癌物质。还对其抗癌机理进行了分析。 The antitumor effects of propionibacterium ceii—Wall skeleton(p—CWS)on the experimental tumors of mice were studied.The results showed thatintraPeritoneal injections of P—CWS into tumor—bearing TA2mice could inhib- it the growth of mammary adenocarcinoma MA737,and intratumor or subcutaneousinjections could depress the lung adenoearcinoma LA 795 in T739 mice,with aprolonged latent period and Survival interval,a smaller number of lung metast-asis nodules and the reduction of tumor weight.It was also found that P—CWScouldtransfer itsntitumor activity to the splenic nonadherent cells and periton-eal mac-rophageS,which manifested stronger antitumor activities,it is sugge-sted that P—CWS is a potential antitumor agent.The associated mechanisms arealso dis-cussed.
出处 《济宁医学院学报》 1992年第2期20-22,25,共4页 Journal of Jining Medical University
关键词 丙酸杆菌 细胞壁骨架 抗癌 Propionibacterium Cell—wall skeleton Cancer Mouse Immunostimulant
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