§1.引言 对不可压小粘性流的数值解,[1]和[2]用奇异摄动观点提出了一个区域分解法.从常微分方程(组)的奇异摄动问题出发,解分解为外部解加边界修正解(以下简称为修正解).外部解的边界条件有:给定(原边界条件)、待定(用原边界条件和修正解)和延拓类.修正解的边界条件有:给定(用原边界条件和外部解延拓)渐近(在边界层外缘)
This paper is a continuation of the domain decomposition method proposed in [1] and[2] for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. To obtain the numerical solution of thecomplete unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, difference methods are used forboth the outer solution and the boundary layer corrections. For the former, explicit dif-ference scheme [5] is applied on a coarse grid; and for the latter, the same difference sche-me is used, but with normal viscous terms treated implicitly on a grid fine in the normaldirection and covering the boundary layer. This paper also gives the discrete projection theo-rem on a staggered grid in a rectangular region, which corresponds to the well known con-tinuous projection theorem, and which in particular verifies the boundary treatment for thediscrete pressure Poisson equation. Also, a farfield normal velocity boundary treatment isproposed. Numerical experiments on the semi-infinite plate problem show that the computa-tional method and the coupled process presented in this paper are effective.
Mathematica Numerica Sinica