近一段历史时期 ,由于工业革命和商品经济的冲击 ,高等教育已成为经济社会的附庸 ,“唯智教育”取代了人文教育 ,因而 ,功利主义取代了人文精神。公安高等教育作为我国高等教育的一部分 ,也有相似的经历。随着世界经济一体化进程的加快 ,科技一体化、教育一体化已成为必然趋势。从世界范围上看 ,目前各国高等教育都在呼唤人文精神 ,重倡人文教育。我国公安教育要适应新世纪和“入世”的需要 ,必须适应世界高等教育的发展潮流 ,倡导人文教育 ,重振人文精神。
During the recent history.the higher education has become the dependency of industrial revolution and commodity economy.Intellectual education replaced the education of humanism.So utilitarianism replaced the spirit of humanism. The higher education of public security,as a part of our countrys higher education,has the similar experience.with the quick process of economic integration,science and technology integration and education integration has become the inexorable trend.See from the world,the higher education of every country is calling the spirit of humanism and is initiating the education of humanism.The public security education of our country must suit the needs of the new century and entering the WTO,and suit the trend of higher education of the world to initiate the education of humanism and restore the spirit of humanism.
Journal of Liaoning Police Academy