

On DENG Xiao-ping's Inheriting and Improving MAO Ze-dong's Thoughts of Productive Forces
摘要 生产力是一切社会发展的最终决定力量,解放生产力与发展生产力是社会主义的本质内容和根本任务。在发展生产力上,毛泽东和邓小平的目标与愿望相同,并且都把其作为“共同富裕”的前提和基础,都重视科学技术的作用;在解放生产力上,毛泽东侧重于生产关系与上层建筑的调整,侧重于从革命的角度谈“解放生产力”;邓小平则提出“要把解放生产力讲全”,“改革也是一场革命”,“改革也是解放生产力”,“科学技术是第一生产力”等观点,从而继承与发展了毛泽东“生产力思想”。 Since productive forces are the decisive power in social development,it is the essential content and fundamental task of socialism to emancipate and develop productive forces.In the aspect of developing productive forces,MAO and DENG shared the same aim,regarding it as the premises and foundation of general prosperity,and recognize the significance of sciences and technologies;in the as-pect of emancipating productive forces,MAO emphasized the adjustment of production relations and su-perstructure,and discussed the emancipation in the direction of revolution,whereas DENG inherited and improved MAO's opinions in advocating that productive forces should be emancipated fully,that reform be a revolution,that reform be to emancipate productive forces,and that sciences and technologies be the first productive force.
作者 柴绪亮
出处 《湖南第一师范学报》 2002年第4期5-8,共4页 Journal of First Teachers College of Hunan
关键词 邓小平 毛泽东 生产力思想 继承 发展 发展生产力 解放生产力 MAO Ze-dong DENG Xiao-ping development of productive forces emancipation of productive forces
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