目的 调查并研究桶装纯净水、饮水机使用过程中微生物污染及影响因素 ,为制定相关卫生要求和卫生标准提供依据。方法 采用问卷调查并分组对纯净水跟踪及饮水机不同部位进行微生物污染水平的检测。结果 35 .6 %用户从未对使用过的饮水机进行消毒 ,34 .8%的用户饮水机内胆壁不洁 ;检测饮水机内胆及冷水阀口菌落总数 (中位数 )分别为 2 72 0cfu/cm2 、2 0 8cfu/cm2 ,对用户正在使用的桶装纯净水检测 ,按《瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》判断菌落总数合格率为 0 ,大肠菌群全部合格 ,霉菌合格率 98.3%。对饮水机消毒后跟踪检测到第 12d时 ,纯净水菌落总数已经超标。结论 造成桶装纯净水饮用过程中微生物污染的主要原因是饮水机的二次污染 ,饮水机使用时应定期消毒 ,桶装纯净水开盖后应在 10d内饮用完。
Objective to study the status of the microbe contamination and related influence factors of barreled pure water and watering trough in use in order to provide evidences for making related sanitation demand and sanitation standard. Methods Investigation was carried out with questionnaire and the microbe contamination of pure water and different parts of watering trough were detected. Results 35.6%of the watering troughs had never been disinfected; 34.8% of watering trough walls were not clean. The medians of total colony number of the walls and cool-water valves were 2720 cfu/cm 2, 208 cfu/ cm 2 respectively. According to the sanitation standard of bottled drinking pure water, the qualified rates of total colony, coliform group and mold were 0, 100%, 98.3% respectively for all the barreled pure water in use. Since 12th day after disinfection for watering troughs, the total colony of pure water went beyond the standard. Conclusions The contamination of barreled pure water in use was mainly caused by second contamination of watering troughs. Drinking troughs should be disinfected periodically. Barreled pure water should be used up within 10 days after the cover was opened.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine